Virtual Choir - Next Week
Please Stay

Words & Music by Jake Runestad
The following information from www.jakerunestad.com
About the Work
Commissioned by the Ohio Choral Directors Association College & University Commissioning Consortium.
The Story
In 2013, suicide took the lives of 41,149 people in the USA alone. Depression affects about 20 million people in the USA, 350 million worldwide. Mental health disorders are serious issues in our culture and it is important that we have open conversation about their existence and that we show support to those who are battling them.
To Write Love On Her Arms is a nonprofit movement dedicated to presenting hope and finding help for people struggling with depression, addiction, self-injury, and suicide. Their 2016 campaign for World Suicide Prevention Day was titled “And So I Kept Living.” Using the hashtag #IKeptLiving, thousands of individuals who battle depression shared their stories on Twitter as to why they chose to life over death. I read through and collected hundreds of the tweets and used them to inspire the text for this work.
“Please Stay” is an anthem for hope — an attempt to destigmatize mental illness and challenge all of us to support those who are battling depression and thoughts of suicide. You are not alone. We can make a difference. We can be the support system that saves a life.
Give voice to hope: Share your #ReasonsToStay on Twitter. #PleaseStay
A portion of the proceeds from this work will be donated to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.
The Text
No! Don’t go!
Don’t let your worst day be your last.
The storm is strong, but it will pass.
You think you can’t go on another day,
but please stay. Just stay.
Hope is real. Help is real.
You are breath, you are life,
you are beauty, you are light.
Your story is not over.
You are not a burden to anyone.
Please stay. Just stay.
[Text adapted from tweets using #IKeptLiving — expressions
of hope from those who battle depression and chose to live.]